Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - 40th Anniversary Celebrations
Movie Information
The year 2006 marks the 40th anniversary of the release of "My Brother Makes The Noises For the Talkies , the first record by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. On January 28th 2006 Classic Rock Productions Ltd presented a very special evening celebrating the music and achievements of the legendary Bonzos. The part of the late great and sorely missed Vivian Stanshall was performed variously by Messrs Stephen Fry, Adrian Edmondson, Phill Jupitus and Paul Merton, making this the most exciting evening since the Secret Policeman s Ball. For the first time since the group broke up in the early seventies a British stage once again resounded to the inspired flights of lunacy of the Bonzos favourites performed live. An evening dedicated to the surreal stage presentation of the highlights of the music of the Bonzos, including all of the hits, which have built a lasting musical legacy.