Hasil Pencarian untuk "portrait films"

I Am My Films: A Portrait of Werner Herzog

I Am My Films: A Portrait of Werner Herzog

Tahun: 1979

Rating: 8.0/10

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Carlos: Film Portrait of a Montevideo Panhandler

Tahun: 1965

Rating: 6.0/10

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Marta Meszaros: Portrait of the Hungarian Filmmaker

Marta Meszaros: Portrait of the Hungarian Filmmaker

Tahun: 1979

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Portrait of an Impatient Filmmaker: Luis Buñuel

Portrait of an Impatient Filmmaker: Luis Buñuel

Tahun: 2013

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Portrait: A Film of Stockholm

Portrait: A Film of Stockholm

Tahun: 1981

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J.R.R.T. : A Study of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 1892-1973

J.R.R.T. : A Study of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 1892-1973

Tahun: 1992

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